Virtual Colonoscopy
as a sparing and contactless method of examination

Here you can download information for patients about the virtual colonoscopy (as a PDF file)
Patient information: Virtual colonoscopy
For the virtual colonoscopy an ultra-fast multi-level CT scanner is
used to produce three-dimensional images, which are compatible with
the images from an optical endoscope. This virtual travel through the
intestines provides views from all angles in a way that is impossible
to achieve with the conventional colonoscopy.
In just two 20 second intervals the patient's entire data is collected
and processed by a computer, independently from the patient's presence.
The virtual endoscopy is therefore painless and without physical contact.
Drugs are not needed and there is no risk of infection.
The exposure to radiation is minimized due to a dosage reduction that
considers the individual physique. With 0,8-1,6 mSv it is - in contrary
to a widespread opinion- extremely low and equivalent to the half of
the natural radiation that you are exposed to during the course of one
year in Germany (2,4 mSv).
Multiple studies produced a high hit rate in looking for polyps and
small intestinal tumors (larger than 3 millimeters). This makes the
virtual colonoscopy an excellent additional method for the diagnosis
and prevention of intestinal tumors.
Furthermore the acceptance of preventative care is likely to be raised
significantly, making it possible to detect more than the current 10%
of intestinal cancer in the course of preventative examinations.
Conventional or virtual Colonoscopy
In the context of preventive medical screenings 300.000 colonoscopies
were performed, which revealed in 14% of all subjects one or more polyps
requiring treatment. In 0,7% of all cases an intestinal tumor was detected.
In over 80% of all these cases the painless and more patient friendly
virtual colonoscopy would have been sufficient for clarification. A
preliminary virtual colonoscopy could therefore pre-select only those
patients for the conventional endoscopy, who require treatment and removal
of the pathological changes.
The Virtual Colonoscopy is especially fit for patients that:
- have had a heart attack
- are allergic to medication
- are currently taking medication affecting the blood clotting
- have an artificial anus
- had an unsuccessful or incomplete colonoscopy
- are afraid of the conventional colonoscopy
Since both exams require identical preparations of the intestines, we
offer both procedures concurrently so that an endoscopic colonoscopy can
be performed immediately after the virtual colonoscopy should the necessity