Chirurgisches Institut - Berlin  
Virtual Colonoscopy
Educational Movie
Intestinal Diseases
Warning Signals
Preventive Care

Intestinal Diseases
Warning Signals

Intestinal cancer is especially dangerous since the person affected does not notice any symptoms for a long time.
The only reliable way to detect intestinal cancer is by performing a conventional or virtual colonoscopy. Aside from that there are warning signs that should alert a patient and compel him to see a doctor.
These signs might also be symptoms of a much more harmless illness (e.g. hemorrhoids). Nevertheless they should be taken seriously.

Signs of bowel cancer include:
- Blood coating of the stool
- Traces of blood on the bathroom tissue - it is a misconception to generally
assume hemorrhoids to be the cause of the bleeding
- Constant alternation between constipation and diarrhea for no apparent reason.
- Defaecation of slime in the morning with only small amounts of stool - This could be a sign of rectal cancer.
- Stool suddenly becoming as thin as a pencil:
This could indicate a narrowing process near the end of the colon.
- Abdominal cramps - although these are not symptomatic for intestinal cancer alone,
they should get checked.
- Family members who contracted intestinal cancer or suffer from another kind of cancer.

Even if only vague symptoms are present - like an awkward feeling in the abdomen: This should not be a reason to delay medical consultation, since waiting poses an additional risk. Only the early stages of cancer can be cured with a certainty of 100% by means of a colonoscopy. If cancer is present it will eventually spread. Consequently, the treatment becomes more difficult with time. The sooner therapy starts, the better the chances for healing.

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